
About Our Pastor

Rev. Sarah Klaassen (she/her) began her call at Rock Bridge Christian Church in June 2016. Originally from rural Kansas, she attended college at Missouri State University and earned her Master of Divinity from Vanderbilt Divinity School in 2009. Sarah was ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in 2015, and she remains connected to the Mennonite peace church traditions of her upbringing.

Sarah serves the wider church as the current chair of the Mid-America Disciples Regional Commission on Ministry. She is active in anti-racism work, faith-based LGBTQ inclusion and reproductive justice efforts in mid-Missouri and beyond.

She enjoys pastoring and preaching at the edges of the Christian faith, finding joy in conversations built on theological questions and in worship that honors the multiplicity of voices, gifts, perspectives at RBCC.

Several of her sermons are available here, including preaching that engages the new Women’s Lectionary.

Sarah’s partner, Liz, is a journalist and an active member at RBCC.

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